Welcome Back Wildcats!

Dining Halls
Welcome back Wildcats! Our first day of fall meal service begins on Friday, 8/26/22. View Fall Opening hours here. Finger scan technology will be utilized for dining hall access. Look forward to monthly events like Fang-Tastic Feast and Autumn Turkey Dinner. We are also celebrating food holidays that include National Donut Day and more!
Re-usable plastic boxes are available for ‘Meals To Go’ (initial purchase of $3.25 for box). All Unlimited Meal Plan holders will have one additional ‘Meal To Go’ added to their meal plan per day.
Cafés and Stores
Our first day of meal service begins on Sunday, 8/28/22. View Fall Opening hours here. We offer local and sustainable made-to-order menu items as well as convenient grab-n-go options. Receive a discount when you use your Dining Dollars at the register!
Additional Information
Early Arrival
On campus early? View our summer hours here.
Meal Plan Purchases and Changes
Meal plans can be purchased anytime during the fall semester! Add a meal plan and Dining Dollars to your student tuition account. (Meal plan changes can be made to your student tuition account until 9/9/22).
Don't have a Campus ID?
Please contact the Campus Services Office for help with uploading your photo and obtaining your ID. More information here.
Not feeling well?
Please visit our policies web page for more information about Meal Provisions for Sick Students and COVID-19 Meal Planning.