Be sure to sign up for direct emails from your sponsor agency/organization of choice (e.g., NSF Update, NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices, USDA Updates). ♦ Look for a link to register on the sponsors’ web sites (often at the bottom of the homepage). This free option can also give you insights on the programs and funding trajectory over time. ************************************************************************************** |
Federal Agencies and Offices | Link |
Administration for Children and Families | ACF |
Administration on Community Living | ACL |
Advanced Research Projects Agency - ENERGY | ARPA-e |
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | AHRQ |
Air Force Office of Scientific Research | AFOSR |
Army Research Office | ARO |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Injury Prevention and Control National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health |
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | CMS |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs | CDMRP |
Corporation for National and Community Service | Americorps |
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | DARPA |
Dept. of Agriculture / National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA) | USDA-NIFA USDA-NFA RFA Calendar |
Dept. of Education
US ED US ED Forecast |
Dept. of Education / Institute of Education Sciences
Dept. of Energy / Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) | DOE-EERE |
Dept.of Energy / Office of Science | DOE-OS |
Dept. of Energy / Office of Science User Facilities (National Labs) | DOE-OS-UF |
Dept. of Health & Human Services
Dept. of Homeland Security | DHS |
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships, FY23 & FY24 -- Open until 6/30/25 |
Dept. of Justice / National Institute of Justice | NIJ |
Dept. of Justice / Office for Victims of Crime | OVC |
Dept. of Labor / Employment and Training Administration | ETA |
Dept. of the Interior | DOI |
Dept. of State / Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs | STATE-ECA |
Economic Development Administration | EDA |
Environmental Protection Agency / National Center for Environmental Research | NCER |
Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
Fulbright Scholar Program Fulbright Specialist Program |
Fulbright Scholar Fulbright Specialist |
Health Resources and Services Administration | HRSA |
Institute of Museum and Library Services | IMLS |
National Institute of Standards & Technology | NIST |
National Institutes of Health | NIH NIH Parent Announcements |
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research | See ACL |
National Telecommunications & Information Administration | NTIA |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | NASA |
National Archives / National Historical Publications and Records Commission | NHPRC |
National Endowment for the Arts | NEA |
National Endowment for the Humanities | NEH |
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency | NGA |
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration / Climate Program Office |
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration / Office for Coastal Management | NOAA-COAST |
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration / Ocean Exploration | NOAA-OE |
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration / RESTORE Science Program | NOAA-RESTORE |
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration / Sea Grant | NOAA-SG NH Sea Grant |
National Science Foundation
Office of Naval Research | ONR |
Social Security Administration | SSA |
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program | SERDP |
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | SAMHSA |
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education | SARE |
US Fish and Wildlife Service | USFWS |
US Forest Service | USFS |