Broadband Services

NetworkNH – Wide Area Network

The infrastructure team designed, constructed, and operates a 35-site Wide Area Network (WAN) that provides virtually unlimited bandwidth to all of the USNH institutions (UNH, KSC, PSC, GSC) and Dartmouth College, as well as 1 Gbps service to the Community College System of New Hampshire and a number of non-profits around the state. These services include redundant connections to the internet and Internet2 as well as a dedicated science DMZ that is currently in construction.

The WAN team excels in collaborating beyond New Hampshire by leveraging partnerships with our sister institutions in Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont. These collaborative efforts provide multiple diverse connections to the internet, Internet2 and In Common.

ConnectNH - Video Collaboration & Media Management

ConnectNH is a University of New Hampshire service that provides an affordable, interactive videoconferencing and content management network for delivering distance learning, professional development, video conferencing, outreach, and telehealth throughout New Hampshire.  Our 60 members include K-12 and post-secondary institutions, libraries, public safety, hospitals, businesses, and other local/state/regional public entities.
