
Resource Category Office Type
TransGender New Hampshire (TG-NH)
Created to promote transgender visibility, education, social support and civil rights and the GLAD Transgender Project. "We Are New Hampshire: Tr...
Audience: Faculty
LGBTQ+ Regional/State Organizations
The Consortium of Higher Education
Support for colleagues, development of curriculums and policy changes to improve campus climates.
Audience: Faculty
LGBTQ+ National Organizations
Stonewall Grads
Social and activist group consisting of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer, questioning and allied (GLBTQ+) individuals at UNH. Through comm...
Audience: Faculty
LGBTQ+ Beauregard Center Campus Resources, UNH Student Organizations
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays --promotes the health and well-being of gays, their families. Information about local group meetin...
Audience: Faculty
LGBTQ+ Regional/State Organizations
NH Charitable Foundation
Audience: Faculty
People with Disabilities Regional/State Organizations
National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals
Audience: Faculty
LGBTQ+ National Organizations
National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)
The National Center for Transgender Equality is the nation’s leading social justice advocacy organization winning life-saving change for transgender p...
Audience: Faculty
LGBTQ+ National Organizations
Lactation resources
Lactation info and room locations
Audience: Faculty, Staff, Student
People with Disabilities, Women UNH Human Resources Campus Resources
Human Resources- Policies and Procedures for UNH Employees
Policies and procedures that are applicable to our employees and our organizations, departments & offices
Audience: Faculty, Staff
LGBTQ+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, Reports & Statistics, Women UNH Human Resources Campus Resources
Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) and TransGender New Hampshire (TG-NH) are part of a state-wide coalition working to establish anti-...
Audience: Faculty
People with Disabilities Beauregard Center, Safe Zones Regional/State Organizations